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If you’re passionate about making a difference, then a career in the insurance industry is for you. 无论是直接作为索赔代表还是间接作为IT系统分析师, what you do on a daily basis contributes to the peace of mind people need after they have experienced a devastating loss. 你帮助他们提供他们继续生活和事业所需的东西.

信不信由你,十大正规彩票平台是一个令人兴奋的领域. 这是一个非常多面的行业. 你将每天与不同类型的人、企业和纪律打交道. 你是不是一个善于交际的人, 一个懂数字的人或者一个懂技术的人, 十大正规彩票平台行业有你的位置.


我们支持和指导小型企业,确保影响绝不小. 我们以客户为中心的重点是利用数据和分析, 数字化和创新,使十大彩票平台官网在市场上脱颖而出. 销售, underwriting and product development teams offer the right solutions to meet the needs of our agents and customers.


We keep our business partners moving forward with confidence by providing strategic advice and insights to our 中间市场 clients. 我们的现场经理和承保人以及风险控制和索赔, 与客户和主要生产商合作,提供真正优势的解决方案.


农业是我们的根. 所以我们的专长才出名, 从销售和承保的角度来看,专业的专业知识. Our uniquely experienced people have their ‘feet-on-the-ground’ in our targeted geographic territories – and many live in the communities where they work.


The primary goal of 风险服务 is to provide information and risk analysis to aid in writing and retaining profitable business for the organization.  我们的团队与我们的客户协调, business partners and agents to identify sources of loss and provide consultation and provide practical solutions to meet our customer's needs.  We use business analytics to focus our services in the areas which have the greatest impact for risk improvement for both our customer and Westfield.


保费审核部负责审核我们的商业十大正规彩票平台政策, 用估计暴露写成. 保费审计使客户能够为他们的十大正规彩票平台支付正确的保费, understand the proper classification for their type of risk/business and more accurately predict annual premiums.

我们在业内享有盛誉,我们的名字和品牌使我们与众不同. Our 保证人 team provides best-in class service and custom solutions that help secure new opportunities. We offer a consistent but flexible underwriting approach and a full line of surety products as well as a dedicated, 专业的担保理赔团队.
Being fair and responsive is less about protecting things and more about protecting our customers. 我们的个人线路团队负责开发新产品和服务, 政策处理, 承保及销售. 我们与销售我们产品的代理伙伴密切合作, 帮助他们制定商业计划, marketing campaigns and operational processes designed to help generate and retain customers.
Westfield 索赔 representatives deliver on our promise of protection by taking care of our customers during a time of loss. 他们有权分析损失,并确保我们偿还欠款. 我们的代表处理来自不同地点的索赔,包括我们的内政部, 服务办事处遍布我们经营的各个州, 在某些情况下,从他们的家里.
客户服务部负责处理索赔电话, 计费电话和收取保费. 客户服务部门平均每月接听近32,000个电话. 这个团队每天都与我们的客户和代理商一起工作, 帮助他们完成结算流程,并提供选项,使付款更容易. 其他的工作机会包括协调代理和客户账户, 质量分析和回收管理. Our experienced customer service professionals know how to treat our customers well and represent Westfield as knowledgeable solution providers.

会计 & 金融

我们的会计和财务团队及时向监管机构报告财务信息, 征税机关, and rating agencies as well as provide internal business partners with financial information to assist with business decisions.


确定和分析费率,并根据损失经验的趋势提出变更建议. Actuaries quantify the impact of proposed changes on our customers and justify the changes to state regulatory agencies. 功能包括分析损失和损失调整费用准备金, 开发和实施公司计划和盈利模式, 确定数据库规范和增强.


推动整个组织的代理,业务和客户分析. ARC提供解析, 业务智能和信息治理专业知识, 以及创意方向, 向公司主要决策者提供报告和及时的分析支持.


负责公司的合规, 隐私, intellectual property and legal defense of the company including all of Westfield's electronic discovery efforts.


Carries out Westfield's legacy of caring; our commitment to be a good corporate citizen is an extension of the fundamental role that insurance plays in ensuring stability for families, 不确定时期的企业和社区. 我们每年通过我们的私人基金会和公司分配300多万美元, and we focus a significant portion of those resources on priority areas that mirror the service we provide every day.


The corporate risk management team provides the oversight to our enterprise risk management and reinsurance functions.


The role of the 政府关系 team is to support our various business units in each state. We work to advance a favorable regulatory environment and eliminate statutory barriers to corporate plans.


At Westfield 发展中 a diverse team of talented and engaged people is one our longstanding corporate goals. We achieve outstanding business results and deliver on our brand promise to our customers because of our people. The Westfield HR team brings this goal to life through a portfolio of talent management practices ranging from recruiting, 招聘, 发展中, 支持所有员工. We are committed to a diverse workforce and inclusive culture and our approach to total rewards focuses on all aspects of employee wellbeing.  对于人力十大彩票平台官网专业人士来说,人力十大彩票平台官网的职业机会涵盖了广泛的经验.


内部审计 provides independent and objective consulting services designed to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our operations by improving risk management, 内部控制, 治理和最佳实践的实现.


管理着一个庞大的, 有价证券投资组合提供可预见性, 稳定和不断增长的投资收益流. We seek individuals who have heavy academic exposure to financial disciplines like accounting, 金融或经济.


提供符合Westfield业务需求的服务. Includes technical support for agency automation solutions; guidance, resources and effective delivery for prioritized projects; rate and product maintenance for all automated lines of business; visionary technological direction; and development of software applications, 现有系统的维修, 软件的选择, 包实现和数据管理.

市场营销 & 企业沟通

通过人来实现业务成果, process and technology by positioning our consumers and customers as the means through which we achieve our mission, 愿景和目标. We clearly articulate the Westfield brand across targeted audiences; creating experiences that drive measurable business value and execute strategies to empower a change ready organization.


Manages vendor risk and performance and realizes optimal value from its vendors and third-party providers.


我们的综合服务团队专注于房地产业务, 工作场所设计及租赁, 安全保障和合规性, 舰队和旅行. 我们致力于为我们的员工和客人提供一个安全、可靠和温馨的环境. We believe the workplace is a driver of business performance and we are dedicated to investing in a workplace that influences talent attraction and retention, 生产力, 员工敬业度和协作.

为我们的代理商策划和主持活动, 我们十大彩票平台官网中心的顾客和其他客人, 以及为我们的员工提供出色的企业用餐体验. 十大彩票平台官网乡村俱乐部以世界一流的设施为客人提供无可挑剔的服务, 包括两个锦标赛18洞高尔夫球场, 餐厅和酒吧, 户外凉亭. 布莱尔中心, 我们的宴会和会议设施, 为客人提供轻松的商务氛围. The Westfield Inn is a Georgian style building with 64 guest rooms that hosts our overnight guests with the utmost care and professionalism.